Brooklyn's Best Math Tutors on Standby

Who needs math tutoring in Brooklyn?

Trusted by 10,000+ families
Learner will connect your child with one of our world-class tutors. Each of our instructors has years of experience and a passion for helping their students succeed. Your child will get a tutor with a compatible teaching style and personality with our matching system.

10 Best Math Tutors Serving Brooklyn

Proven Impact

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Brooklyn Math Standards

The state of New York adopted the Common Core Standards for Mathematics in January of 2011. In 2015, the state initiated a review of the standards with the goal of revising them as necessary. The result was the New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards, adopted in 2017. These standards include revisions, clarifications, and additions to the original Common Core standards. 

The overall goals of the state's current mathematics standards are coherence, focus, and rigor. The idea is to ensure that students at each grade level spend their time and energy on the essential math topics, gaining a deep understanding of the theory and proficiency in solving related problems. Ideally, students should be ready for the next math level by the end of the current math level they are studying. 

Under the current plan, elementary and middle school students study essential math basics, such as functions, equations, and arithmetic. They start learning about algebraic thinking to prepare for high school, where they take two algebra courses and a geometry class.

Brooklyn Math Test Scores

Like most cities across the US, Brooklyn saw a sharp drop in test scores correlating with the COVID-19 pandemic. School closures and challenges with remote learning delayed progress for many students, as reflected in the test scores of recent years. As a result of the pandemic, New York made the 2020-2021 academic year assessment exams optional. Only 20.5% of students in 3rd through 8th grades tool the math assessment in 2021. The test results show that only 51.5% of test-takers were proficient in math. 

In New York public high schools, all students in 11th grade take the SAT exam. The most recent test scores available are those from 2019. In that year, only 30.5% of students scored high enough to meet the "college-ready" cut in the math portion of the exam. Although some colleges are moving toward a test-optional admissions policy that doesn't require applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores, many schools, especially elite universities, consider test scores when evaluating applications.

Brooklyn Math Competitions and STEM Events

Brooklyn Grassroots and Gonvernmental Iniatitives in Math

Brooklyn Math Curiosities and Facts






Quick Facts

How to find the right online tutor in Brooklyn

Many math tutors are available to students who live in Brooklyn, NY, but not all of them offer the same level of expertise. A college student who tutors part-time may be a good option for an elementary school student who needs a little help to catch up, but middle school and high school math students often need to work with an expert.

When you're choosing a tutor for your child, look for someone knowledgeable about education planning and math. A good tutor makes complex math concepts accessible through exciting and straightforward explanations.

Why work with Learner?

With Learner, your child can learn math from an experienced tutor. Our instructors customize their lessons to address each student's unique challenges. Sessions are online, which works well for students who prefer to learn at home and who have to plan around a schedule full of extracurricular activities.

How does Learner tutoring work?

Answer questions about your child's background and unique needs.

Schedule a call with our Academic Advisor to identify learning goals and objectives.

We will custom match the right tutor for your child. Your initial session is commitment-free.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brooklyn Math Tutors

Still not sure about finding math tutors in Brooklyn? Find out more about online tutoring and Learner's private tutoring services.

How does online tutoring work for Brooklyn math students?

How is online tutoring different from in-person tutoring?

How much does a Brooklyn math tutor cost?

Is math tutoring tax-deductible in Brooklyn?

What are the qualifications of your tutors?

Can I choose the math tutor who works with my child?

What are the options if my child's tutor isn't a good fit?

How long does it take to schedule my child's first session with their math tutor?

What is your refund policy?

How Brooklyn students can benefit from working with Learner

Real results

One-on-one instruction is the key to success for many students. With Learner, your child has the chance to ask questions, get different explanations of complicated topics, and practice their problem-solving techniques with an expert. Most students see better test scores and homework grades in a few weeks.

Improved confidence

Learner tutors don't just repeat textbook examples and explanations. They make math fun to help students really engage with the material. This level of knowledge gives students more confidence in their abilities, improving academic performance in all classes.

Preparation for the next step

With Learner, Brooklyn students are ready for the next step in their education, whether that's a high school algebra class, a prep school qualification exam, or college entrance exams. Our tutors give students the foundation to use math successfully in school and their careers.

Why Brooklyn students love Learner

Chelsea from Learner helped me to get a full ride to Duke University.

“Chelsea from Learner was the perfect match for me. She customized the training so that it would push me hard - but not too hard where I would get frustrated. I worked with Chelsea for years because she took a genuine interest in me and my future.”

"Stephanie taught me how to be more organized. I was getting Bs and Cs before I started working with her. I used to get overwhelmed before studying for a test. Stephanie taught me how to create “study guides” so I’d have all the big ideas in one place. I am now getting As and Bs and my parents are much happier."

"When I first started working with Alan, I told him I would never be good at math. I barely passed my first two years of high school math and I needed one more hard math class to graduate. Alan believed in me and worked with me on the basics. Little by little, he built up my confidence to the point where I realized I am good at math and I did well in the class."

Popular math tutoring subjects for Brooklyn students

Students can start to fall behind in math as early as elementary school. In many cases, the problem usually comes down to the traditional classroom environment, which is full of distractions and doesn't offer students the chance to ask questions or work at their own pace. With Learner, your child can get one-on-one instruction in key math subjects.

Top Math Locations

Learner’s Annual Women in STEM Scholarship

Scholarship Award: $1,000

The Women in STEM Scholarship is a recurring scholarship that’s open to women who are STEM majors. The next deadline to apply is November 20th, and winners will be announced on December 20th.

About the Women in STEM Scholarship

Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) play crucial roles in today’s rapidly evolving technological advancements. However, the STEM industry hasn’t always advocated for equal representation, leaving women disadvantaged. With this considered, Learner’s Annual Women in STEM Scholarship strives to encourage and support women pursuing a STEM career, recognizing the boundless potential they bring to global innovation.

The journey to gender equality in STEM fields, although progressing, still has a long way to go. Beyond fairness, the industry as a whole needs bright, young minds to continue its advancement, and we believe women are the key to filling the gap. By offering support to dedicated women pursuing a STEM education, we hope to encourage the next generation of STEM leaders, minimizing financial strain and inequality.

We at Learner recognize the importance of promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment. Our scholarship is a testament to our dedication to equal opportunities in STEM, aimed at reducing barriers that impede the academic journey of young women in these fields. By doing so, we hope to inspire more women to pursue and thrive in STEM careers, contributing to a richer, more diverse professional realm.

We believe more diverse representation in STEM will fuel innovation, drive growth, and lead to more comprehensive solutions for global challenges. We also envision this scholarship serving as a catalyst to motivate other institutions and organizations to promote gender equality in STEM education and careers.Through Learner’s Annual Women in STEM scholarship, we aim to foster a community of women empowered by knowledge, driven by curiosity, and ready to contribute to the STEM field.

Scholarship Details:

Amount: $1,000
Application deadline: November 20

Winner announcement: December 20
Recurring: Annually

Learner Scholarship Contributions

Scholarships Awarded
Total Awards

Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify for this scholarship, please carefully review the following eligibility criteria. Ensure you meet these requirements prior to submitting your application.
  • Woman studying a STEM major

  • All high school senior, undergraduate and graduate students

  • Applicant must be a current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident

How to Apply:

You can apply for this scholarship on the scholarship platform. Follow the directions and submit your application for the Women in STEM Scholarship, along with a short essay answering the following prompts:

  • Why have you chosen to study STEM?
  • How do you hope to make an impact as a woman in STEM?

Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions

When is the scholarship deadline?

The application will be open through November 20.

What is the scholarship prize? 

The scholarship award is $1,000.

When will the winner be chosen and notified?

Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. Recipients will be chosen based on the merit of their application.

How will the scholarship be paid?

The prize check will be sent to the scholarship winner’s college institution in their name and in the name of their institution (depending on the school’s requirements).

Is this a recurring scholarship?

Yes, the Women in STEM Scholarship is an annual scholarship.

How will my application information be used?

Learner manages this scholarship with the support of the scholarship platform. takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on for full details.

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